Please see the new version of this bill under FACE Act link to the left.
The Natural Born Citizen Act would define the term in the Constitution "natural born citizen." This term specifies who is eligible to be the President of the United States. The law would define the term to include any person born in and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States; and any person born outside the U.S. who derives citizenship at birth from US citizen parents, or who is adopted by the age 18 by US citizen parents who are otherwise eligible to transmit citizenship. In introducing this bill, Senator Don Nickles (R-OK) said "Part of the American dream is that any child of an American can grow up to be anything he or she wants to be, including President of the United States. That it does not matter what your last name is, or how much property you own, or how wealthy you are. That the son or daughter of the humblest upbringing could one day lead this great country. This is why America is truly the land of opportunity. It should not matter if you are born to American parents in a foreign country or adopted by American parents from a foreign country. In either case, you are a child of America." The law would assure U.S. parents who give birth to children while overseas, including military, foreign service, and expatriate families, that their children would one day be eligible to run for president of the United States, as well as parents of children adopted by age 18 by a U.S. citizen parent.
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