How Can You Help?

EACH advocates on behalf of children adopted into American families and their adoptive families. EACH seeks to work with Congress, the White House and government agencies to promote adoption policies and legislative changes to ensure that adopted children of American families have the very same rights and opportunities granted to children born into American families.
In order to accomplish these goals, EACH meets with members of Congress, their staffs, and decision makers in the Administration including staff with the Department of State, the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Health and Human Services. EACH’s initial focus is on making sure that adopted children are treated equally under federal law. But EACH also intends to pursue changes in state laws where necessary when time and resources permit.
You can help EACH achieve it’s mission in four significant ways:
- Show you support EACH's mission and legislative goals by becoming a member of EACH. Membership is free. Encourage your friends and family to join as well. The more members we have, the more effective EACH's voice will be.
- Contact your U.S. Senators and Member of Congress and ask them to support legislation that provides equality to our adopted children. Ask them to support the Intercountry Adoption Reform Act (ICARE) and the Natural Born Citizen Act (NBC Act). Go to "links" to get contact information for your Senators and Member of Congress.
- Let EACH know if you or your adopted child encounters an inequality issue at the state or federal level. Go to "Report an Issue".
- EACH depends on voluntary donations to cover all costs. You may give a one time contribution, an annual contribution or a monthly contribution. However, because EACH is an advocacy organization, donations ARE NOT tax deductible. IRS rules prevent donors from deducting taxes for donations to organizations who spend more than 20% of their time on "lobbying" Congress and government agencies.
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Help EACH continue to advocate on behalf of adopted children...more.
Help Support the Cause!
EACH needs your help to achieve equal treatment of all children of American citizens whether they were adopted by or born into an American family. Please voice your support for this cause by joining EACH. Membership is free!...More
Want to Contact EACH?
Contact EACH at 703-362-3224 or by email.