
EACH will advocate for legislation that provides equal treatment
of adopted children of American citizens with biological children
of American citizens, whether the child is born abroad or in America.
Initially, the major area of focus for EACH will be at the federal
level. Therefore, EACH will focus on issues involving adoptions
of foreign born children, since domestic adoptions are governed
by state laws.
EACH has been a major advocate for two pieces of legislation that
have been introduced, but have not yet passed the full Congress
and been signed into law: The Intercountry Adoption Reform Act (ICARE)
and the Natural Born Citizen Act (NBC Act). Since their introduction
in 2003 and 2004, ICARE has been passed by the full Senate as an
amendment to a larger immigration bill which did not become law.
The NBC Act was not reintroduced in the 109th or 110th Congress.
Over the course of the last two years, EACH has been involved in
developing two new bills that accomplish many of the same objectives
of ICARE and the NBC Act but address various concerns that were
raised with these prior proposed bills. The Foreign Adopted Children
Equality Act (FACE Act) and the Families for Orphans Act (FFO Act)
were both introduced in June 2009. The FACE Act incorporates many
of the practical elements of the prior ICARE Act mainly removing
internationally adopted children from the immigration process as
well as establishing the eligibility of internationally adopted
children of American citizens to run for President which was previously
addressed in the NBC Act.
The FFO Act also improves upon elements of ICARE which sought to
establish an international adoption office within the Department
of State. However, the FFO Act takes a much broader approach. The
new legislation would establish an office within the Department
of State to develop and advocate for a holistic approach to orphan
care worldwide with the objective being permanent parental care
for orphans instead of only providing survival tools. There is currently
no comprehensive U.S. policy for addressing the global orphan epidemic
that is growing daily as a result of war, famine and the ravages
of AIDS. The Office of Orphan Policy, Diplomacy and Development
that is created by the FFO Act would coordinate efforts of all federal
agencies in regards to orphans with the end goal of placing these
most vulnerable children in permanent loving families. The Act seeks
to accomplish this by providing technical and financial assistance
to foreign countries who request help in developing child welfare
systems that will keep children with their biological families when
possible and when not possible, seek to find permanent homes for
them either with relatives or through domestic or international
EACH will be pursuing the enactment of both these bills during the
111th Congress. More detailed information on both the FACE Act and
the FFO Act can be found by clicking on the links to the left.
Help Support the Cause!
EACH needs your help to achieve equal treatment of all children of American citizens whether they were adopted by or born into an American family. Please voice your support for this cause by joining EACH. Membership is free!...More
Help EACH continue to advocate on behalf of adopted children...more.