Families for Orphans Act

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for Orphans Act!
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estimates that there are 132 million orphans in the world today.
Millions of these orphans are growing up on the streets or in institutions
where they don’t receive the love, attention, education or medical
care they need to develop into healthy, productive adults. The evidence
shows that placing an orphaned child into a permanent and loving
family is perhaps the best way to ensure that they have the love,
attention, and care needed not only to survive, but to thrive. While
the United States Government has several programs that offer support
for the urgent physical needs of orphans, very little of the focus
and funding is going toward finding permanent families for children
in need of parental care. At the same time, developing countries
lack the resources and expertise necessary to develop sound systems
to provide for the care of the rising number of orphaned children.
review of current federal programs suggests that there are at least
three barriers standing in the way of the United States being a
leader in providing a family for every child. First, current U.S.
funded orphans programs are disorganized and disconnected, neglect
the needs of millions of children, and impose a wide variety of
different policies and priorities, creating in some cases mutually
exclusive strategies. Secondly, officers working to address the
needs of orphans lack the authority, visibility and resources needed
to make a real difference in this area. Finally, fully addressing
the needs of orphans requires the U.S. advise and support other
countries in the development of child welfare systems that offer
permanency for orphaned children and the fact is the current infrastructure
is not set up to engage in this level of diplomacy.
The Solution
The Families for Orphans Act proposes to overcome these barriers by establishing the Office of Orphan Policy, Development and Diplomacy, a specialized office within the U.S. Department of State. Headed by a specially appointed Coordinator, this new Office would be responsible for developing and implementing a comprehensive, evidence-based strategy to support the preservation of families and the provision of permanent families for orphans.
In addition, the Families for Orphans Act would:
- Create a Policy Coordinating Committee to help better coordinate interagency efforts on behalf of orphaned children.
- Grant support for non-governmental organizations that are providing technical assistance to and support for foreign governments’ family preservation and permanent parental care programs.
- Provide funding for countries to use to develop and meet minimum standards in family preservation, reunification and the provision of permanent parental care for orphans.
- Launch the “Global Best Practices Pilot Program” to discover and replicate best practices.
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