About EACH

EACH, Equality for Adopted Children, advocates on behalf of children adopted into American families and their adoptive families. EACH seeks to work with Congress, the White House, and government agencies to promote adoption policies and legislative changes that will ensure that adopted children of American families have the very same rights and opportunities granted to children born into American families.
Mission of EACH: To achieve equal treatment between adopted and biological children of American citizens under federal and state laws.
E – Every child is created equal, but not every child is treated equally under the law.
A – An adopted child is entitled to the same rights, duties and responsibilities as a biological child.
C – Children who were adopted should have access to the same and equal opportunities as biological children.
H - Help make this a reality through your active participation in EACH and the legislative process!
Statement of Principles:
- All children deserve a permanent family and home.
- Adopted children are to be treated as if the “natural issue” of their adoptive parents. They are due the same rights, duties and responsibilities as a biological child.
- Both domestic and foreign-born adopted children of American citizens deserve equal treatment under state and federal laws.
- Neither federal nor state laws should show preference to biological children over adopted children.
- Federal law should not treat foreign adopted children of American citizens as immigrants but rather as dependent children of American parents.
- Families formed or enlarged by adoption deserve the same treatment under state and federal law as families with biological children.
- The adoption process must ensure that safeguards remain in place to protect birth families, orphans, homeless children and adoptive families from fraud and abuse.
- The adoption process should be as simple and streamlined as possible in order that more children who need families can be placed in a permanent family and home.
EACH will strive to be a voice for adopted children and their families. While other organizations represent adoption agencies, adoption attorneys, child welfare advocates and combinations of these groups, there is not an advocacy group located in Washington, D.C. with the sole purpose of representing the interests of adopted children and their families. EACH will fill this void and be the “voice of adopted children and their families” before Congress and the Executive Branch.
Help EACH continue to advocate on behalf of adopted children...more.
Help Support the Cause!
EACH needs your help to achieve equal treatment of all children of American citizens whether they were adopted by or born into an American family. Please voice your support for this cause by joining EACH. Membership is free!...More